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Customer Service Assistant

As a customer service assistant, you work in all departments and at levels of the business. You meet and greet customers at the shop door, take calls and lay out product in the morning in cases and window displays. The customer services assistant picks up the jobs that make the business run efficiently for the customer.

You need to be flexible and love a challenge – no one day will be the same. You are a great communicator with a strong telephone manner and a cheerful disposition.

You are computer literate and can expect to have at least some responsibility for website updates and monitoring social media, email and customer communication channels.

Length of Training

3-6 Months

Salary Expectations


Qualification Requirements


This is a great first job or position to really learn how retail works. It prepares you to step up into a customer service or after sales specialist role.


You have a passion for sparkly items or watches.

You like fashion and have an eye for design and trends.

A great communicator
Can start and finish a job
Able to remember product details and features
Welcoming and able to put people at ease and provide customer service
Comfortable with communicating through social media, websites and on the phone
Personal Attributes

• A high degree of personal care
• Take pride in your appearance
• A people person
• Love providing excellent customer service
• An eye for design
• A happy disposition
• Flexible
• Committed
• Reliable
• Trustworthy and honest
• A team player

Qualification Requirements

JET Essentials

Role also Called

Customer service assistant, Junior sales assistant, Trainee sales assistant, Apprentice sales assistant


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