Home > Explore Careers > In the Office > Chief Financial Officer

As CFO or chief financial officer, you use your background in finance or accountancy

to do the books for the business. You plan its financial and organisational strategies, managing bank accounts, reconciliation, payments, payroll and legal financial requirements, such as taxes, insurances and pensions. Regardless of the company’s size, you manage staff, oversee software and report to the board or owners on profitability and performance.

You monitor and manage financial trends, generate profit-and-loss reports, run balance sheets and create the end-of-year accounts.

Length of Training

8-10+ years

Salary Expectations


Qualification Requirements


At least eight years in a senior leadership position.

Understand how to file the relevant tax information
Lead the finance team and day-to-day operations 
Develop innovative business strategies
Conduct in-depth financial analysis
Source funding and income
Monitor the company’s financial health
Keep records and accurate budgets
Advanced analytical decision-making
Risk assess and mitigate negative actions
Innovative management style
Leadership skills
Strategic mindset
Business intelligence
Technical financial expertise
Personal Attributes
Strong analytical skills
Good communicator
Analytical aptitude 
Think strategically
Love working in a fast-paced environment
Direct and appreciate brevity
Efficient and ordered
Qualification Requirements
CFOs generally have an MBA, advanced business of finance degree or economics and a range of accountancy qualifications.
Role Also Called

Chief financial officer (CFO), Financial controller, Director of finance, Head of finance, Chief accountant