Home > Explore Careers > In The Workshop > Gemstone Buyer

As a gemstone buyer, you source, select, buy and value stones to supply the jewellery industry supply chain. From securing purchases with wholesalers to curating collections, making up bespoke requirements and selling gemstones and jewellery to consumers,

you enjoy the job’s varied nature. Cutting and appraising expertise add to your well-rounded marketplace knowledge. In the sales element of the role, you engage with clients, present gemstones, demonstrate product knowledge, answer queries and, of course, close sales effectively.

Reputation and trustworthiness are vital. You maintain scrupulous records of transactions for quality assurance and authenticity as well as compliance with legal and industry gemstone guidelines.

You will:

Buy gemstones from wholesale dealers
Sell gemstones to customers
Work with clientele for bespoke requirements
Travel to find unique stones
Source wholesale market suppliers
Identify, evaluate and appraise stones, including laboratory grown diamonds
Inventory, catalogue and store gemstones

Length of Training

1-2 Years

Salary Expectations


Qualification Requirements


You need one to two years of sorting and grading before progressing to buying and sourcing.


As a gemmologist, you have a forensic understanding of gems, synthetics and treatments, and both a practical and theoretical knowledge and understanding of gem testing and enhanced gem identification.

Technical skills and knowledge
Research and report writing skills
Good mathematics and chemistry
Dedication and tenacity
Integrity and honesty
Great communicator
Computer literate
Work in a strictly controlled secure environment
Routinely maintain concentration for extended periods
Work with little-to-no supervision
Personal Attributes
Good vision and the ability to differentiate colour
Excellent eyesight – have 20/20 vision
Strong verbal and written communication skills
High ethical standards
Clean criminal record
Extremely focused
Great attention to detail
Decisive and able to validate your reasoning
Innovative thinker, proactive and enthusiastic
Work under pressure and meet deadlines
Flexible multitasker
Good hand–eye coordination
Routine orientated
Exceptional observational, analytical, problem solving and planning
Qualification Requirements

You need a gemmology certification and diamond grading qualification to be a reputable stone dealer.

Role Also Called

Gem buyer, Diamond buyer, Gemstone sourcer, Diamond buyer, Gemstone dealer, Diamond dealer